Dear delegates and athletes,

HBPF (Hungarian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation, former WBPF Hungary) is proud to host the 12th WBPF European Championship & Congress in the city of Budapest, Hungary.

The organizing committee of the championship wishes to extend a warm welcome to all member countries of the WBPF, to all WBPF/EBPF officials, all participants, delegates, guests and supporters.  

Hungary is hosting the prestigious continental championship for the fourth time. Thanks to our country's favorable location in Europe and our hospitality, Hungary has always been a popular venue for the WBPF European Championships. As always, this time too we are waiting for the European athletes of the World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation in a high-quality venue, with a great show and we will close the event program with an unforgettable farewell party.

We hope that a record number of athletes will take part in this prestigious championship and we hope that all participants will leave us with unforgettable memories!

Yours in sport,

Tamas Vladar                 Andrea Gergely

HBPF Preseident             HBPF Secretary General

To download, please click on the following documents:

- Official invitation letter

- Inspection report of the 12th WBPF European Championship 

- Entry form